Teambuilding Efforts have been shown to:

We provide a custom-designed Teambuilding Process for assisting the organization's large system change effort towards a high-performance, team-based organization. This facilitated process begins with top level support for the change effort.

Phase I:

Generally, an assessment of where the organization is "now" is conducted. The establishment of a cross-functional, multi-level Steering Committee is needed to guide and coordinate the effort. Mission, goals and objectives are determined along with critical success factors to measure progress. Recognition structures are put in place. A pilot group is selected and trained. Evaluation takes place and Phase II is begun.

Phase II:

When evaluation of Phase I shows success, the effort is reviewed and improved. Then implementation takes place throughout the organization. Appropriate training is conducted to facilitate the change. The original assessment is conducted again to compute forward progress.

Phase III:

New opportunities and areas of improvement are identified. Teams are renewed and revitalized. As in any organizational change, ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement are necessary to maintain the success.

Suggested Teambuilding Training:

 Selected clients who have benefited from Teambuilding Training and Consultation include:

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Delta Systems
5621 Somerset Drive
Brooklyn, Michigan 49230
Tel/Fax (517)592-5463

revised 1/2/98